When people ask me about it
- What is fluidity
- change on material reality: too many options due to technical advancement
- objective functions: social validation (market value) and short term pleasure
- we don't choose this objective funciton, we are seduced to choose them due to the bombardness of options that we have
- What is capitalism
- Consumerism (Means to happiness)
- Market (Measurement of happiness)
- Commoditification
- everything looses its magic
- Apply these principles to every part of human life and see how it affects our well being
- relationships
- work
- values
- personality (identity)
The concept of liquid modernity - an overview of fluid social structures
constant flux and transformation of norms, values and practices
- religion is kinda the opposite of this, that's a big challenge for this type of instituion. Perhaps this is one of the greatest strenghts of the evangelicos in brazil.
people face constant uncertainty in nearly all aspects of their lives, from theri careers to their personal relationships. Today's individuals must navigate a landscape of termporary jobs and relationships that may dissolve as quickly as they form.
- this makes me believe that buddhism is perfect for modern times.
This can lead to heightened levels of anxiety and insecurity
- This is to a certain extent the opposite of buddhist definition of happiness
Liquid Individuality - The Quest For Identity in a Changing World
The Market as the Dominant Institution - Commodification of Everyday L ife
The market in liquid modernity reveals how it has become the contral force chaping human experience and social cinteractions
There are so many options in the market that we get addicted to it just like a baby watching TikTok, and therefore start to identify ourselves as our roles in the market.
The market promotes the idea that personal fulfillment and identity can be achieved through consumption. Instead of consuming products we consume identities and meanings. It's the commodification of everything including identities and meanings.
In a market everything is seen as price and value, this extends to personal relationships.
The commodification of everything, makes everything loses its value.
Work and labor in Liquid Modernity - Flexibility, Insecurity, and Precarity
Historically, work was synonymous with stability and predictability, offering long=term security (for example people working a power plant) and solid social standing.
This interacts with the previous chapter, which is the fact since everything became a commodity, that means we as workers also are more commoditifiable, and thus we lost our value.
This shift towards transient work has profound socio-economic implications, leading to job insecurity and precarity for a significant segment of the workforce.
The transientness of the workplace also makes us not have very strong personal ties with the people we work with.